Monday, March 19, 2007

Personalized (differentiated) instruction

This week, we move into concepts of personalized (or differentiate) instruction. Much of what we've covered so far sets the base of adjusting our instruction to meet the needs of each individual learner. As educators, we are constantly balancing numerous factors: the curriculum, the needs of learners, our department/program, personal pressures, and more. To teach involves more than simply lecturing (as we have discussed over the last six weeks). Teaching involves allowing learner's needs to be accounted for in the classroom. But, we have numerous competing we need to balance the challenges of differentiated instruction with meeting the curricular needs of the program. Fortunately, the concepts of learning and teaching that we have explored to date can provide guidance in meeting the needs of learners - without necessarily taking more time than is allotted for the courses in our portfolio. Here are a few readings to explore in advance of our class:

Differentiated Instruction

Learner-Centered Teaching - only read the first 4 pages

Strategies for Differentiating

How to Differentiate Instruction

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