Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Week 2 Files

Powerpoint notes from week 2 are available here.

I mentioned the importance of creativity in education today. A recent TED Talks speaker, Sir Ken Robinson, offers rationale for the value of creativity today: watch the presentation

Powerpoint from week 1 is here


Jennifer said...

4:40 am posting??? You make great use of your awake time.

Annette@ACC said...

Inspiring video clip. His views on human creativity closely reflect the philosophy in early childhood education. We promote activities that are process oriented versus product oriented and the curriculum is emergent. We observe children and provide activities and an environment which reflect their interests, promotes use of their creativity and is very interactive.

I agree with his closing comment about rethinking the fundamental principles on which we educate our children. I would think it would be equally important to then rethink the principles on which we educate adults as well.

Donna said...

Wow - excellent video. I sent it to a few of our school trustees!

Academic inflation is one topic that he spoke to that resonated with me - what will the value of a degree be to my children - 13, 12, 8 and 6! Don't think I can afford for all of them to have a PhD!!

"they have to move to think" - the number of times parents who have used the child care program - have come back and talked to me with tears telling me how the teacher is insisting on the child being on ritalin - are too many to count.